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Band of the week : McFly ( yeh i saw them in real life and Harry has my number oh yeah hes calld me! )

Day of the week : Def saturday cos on sunday u hav the depressment of knowing ur goin bak 2 school the nxt day, whereas sat. u still got sunday 2 do fuck all on!

Person of the week: Pingu

Song of the Week : That Girl - Mcfly (out 6th september)

Website of the week :

Film of the week :  The Cinderella Story , havent seen it but three words...Chad Michael!

Blue- singing one of their songs called "When Summers Gone"

Blues site is called

  Look 4 the bear necessities

I love that song, look 4 the bear necessities the simple bear necessities, forget about ur worries and your strife, i mean the bear necessities, no mother natures recipies.....ok I'll stop

I'm running out of things to say, so I will put some random thoughts down instead

Cheese,  Cheesestrings....are they really cheese? , french,  smelly people,  Alison,  Gareth Gates , z z z z z z z. . . . . . .

Cheeky Cheeky

Ok, really running outta things 2 put in here so Im gonna put some gd thoughts down:

Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there ... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out if its butt"?
Who gets to keep the pennies in a wishing well?
What happens when you say hi to your friend on an airplane who's name is Jack?                                                                                                                                      Why is it illegal to put money in other people's parking meters?                               Why are public toilet seats never complete ovals?                                                       Do ducks sneeze?
Are there female leprechauns?
Do cows drink milk?
If a robber tried to rob a dance club and yelled, "Everybody get down", would all the people start to dance?
When pigs fart, does it smell like bacon?
Why is the alphabet in that order?
Is it because of that song?
Have you ever noticed that if you rearranged the letters in mother in law, they come out to Woman Hitler?
Why is it when we talk to God we are praying, but when God talks to us we are put into the loonybin?                                                                                                                                    If something "goes without saying," why do people still say it?

Ok Im spent, Got any more then tell me?


. . . . . . glittery . . . . .

Ha ha
