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Thats me when u get close up...lol ~~~>

Well....who lives in a pineapple under the sea ! spongebob square pants! Or is that me? 

This bit is the about page isnt it? Well...my name is Linzi, I live in a bin with access 2 the internet .... i am addicted 2 tea and I am banned from buying Red Bull in all retailers...ok i also try 2 use posh words...im also a known convict and am a physcomaniac...hav fun!

The History or Story Behind My Site

Everyone has websites now a days...is that one word...who gives, anywho...yeh i made my website purely because of peer pressure and i dont even know why im here...*cries* help..u no i need somebody..HELP...not just anybody....*bursts in2 song by the Beatles* lol...yeh dont worry, this is all normal for me...

I wish i could fly

But...i cant....

If u r gettin pretty scared of my personality, dont worry its only cos iv forgotten 2 take my medication this afternoon..ah well

http://alisonangel.freewebspace.com = titchy Dots site or http://rm563.freewebspace.com = Ross Ms site or http://uk.geocities.com/andy_pandy563/.html =Says it all in the name, its Andy Pandys site or http://kinky-virgin-mary.freewebspace.com = emmas site
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