:+: Linzi s site :+:
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Hey Howdy Hey

Thanx 4 bothering 2 come to my website, which I have made all by myself including nicking all the pictures from different websites, now thats dedication 4 ya!

movers n shakers...^


errmm...nuthins actually happening ok so i shall put something down 4 u

25/12/04 - Christmas ok?




I am pretty bored right now... Sunday morning(well arvo) rain is fallin....yeh maroon 5....yeah!

Hey ho, how do? 'Tis moi, Linzi Weir and theres not much else to say really! Apart from maybe that my site is basically dedicated to my own personal music and everything else taste ... so if u don't like it or its contents then i personally do not give a flying monkey crap! lol just clearing it all up 4 ya!


Em, can u guys please sign my guestbook instead of just reading what other people hav sed? cos i no who u r and i just wanna feel loved and popular so please take pity on me n sign it? please?

Send me an e-mail or speak 2 me on msn at linzi_weir@hotmail.com

Proper bo

God bless photobooths...! They always make u look so bad...

HaHa im so gonna get shot 4 puttin this up! Ha Ha,k its caitylin-me-lauren n ali

To look at my guest book so far, clickie on this: http://linzi-kicks-ass.freewebspace.com/fsguestbook.html

And to add to my guestbook, simply clickie on this:  http://linzi-kicks-ass.freewebspace.com/fsguestbook.html